What is Facebook Cover Photo Size Specifications?

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Facebook Cover Photo Sizes

As social media managers, we spend a lot of time on desktops rather than using Facebook on phones and tablets. This results in creating and testing on a desktop, and not often seeing what the photos look like on mobile or tablet.

Our recommended 1920px x 1080px size is a 16:9 aspect ratio. You may or may not know that this is the size for HD Video. You can have a video instead of a photo on your Facebook page.

The old sizes are

  • Groups: 820 x 250
  • Pages: 820 x 312
  • Personal Profile: 815 x 315

Lots of people will still recommend these sizes, however, it’s a lot better to create your photo in 16.9 dimensions; the universal recommended size for all Facebook Cover Photos is 1920px x 1080px.

The Resolution

You want your cover photos to look all crisp and clear, right? 1920px x 1080px future proofs you to some extent and will pretty much cover every device.

Facebook states that your cover photo must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall, However, this is just a minimum size, and in our opinion, we find it too grainy.

What are the Downsides of this Deeper Facebook Cover Photo?

These deep dimensions give the best view on mobile as it uses the entire photo, also giving you a larger area for any text that Facebook places on top of the photos.

Facebook Group Cover Photo Dimensions

Desktop – 820px x 322px (1640px x 664px Retina Display)

Tablet – 820px x 303px

Mobile – 640px x 360px

Overall – 820px x 461px

Size your image as 1920px x 1080px

Facebook Page Cover Photo Dimensions:

Desktop – 820px x 312px (1640px x 624px Retina Display)

Tablet – 820px x 391px

Mobile – 640px x 360px

Overall – 820px x 461px

Size your image as 1920px x 1080px

Facebook Profile cover photo dimensions:

Desktop – 851px x 315px (1640 x 624px Retina Display)

Tablet – 820px x 391px

Mobile – 640px x 360px

Overall – 820px x 461px

Size your image as 1920px x 1080px

What you see varies on different devices/browsers you are using. For example, Facebook will look different on a Facebook phone app compared to on a mobile phone web browser.

Saving and Optimising your photo for Facebook

We recommend using a .jpg for the best resolution. The best way to do this would be by exporting the image in Photoshop by ‘save for web’. There are also loads of free services online that will edit and resize your images if you don’t have Photoshop.